Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Football goggles with prescription (4/7/2009

This time of year, we get a lot of requests for goggles that will fit under a football helmet. The best ones we have are the Rec-Specs Helmet Specs 2 or 3. These are designed to work with most helmets. If your helmet does not have a bar that goes between the eyes, the Rec-Specs Maxx 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 are popular options because of their sleek styling. These work like a regular pair of glasses. You put your helmet on, then put these goggles on like a pair of glasses. They have ear pieces like a pair of glasses but are highly impact resistant. Another similar product would be the Hilco T-Zone or Jam'n. Again, these have ear pieces like glasses but are highly impact resistant. You can view the Rec-Specs at and the Hilco at If you have other questions, please email me!

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