Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cycling Glasses--Answer to customer question (9/18/2009

Hi, I'm trying to find Rx glasses for cycling, that have interchangeable lenses - like Rudy Project, but not that many $$. Can I send/email my Rx and you can tell me if anything will work for me?"

Thank you for your interest. The least expensive way to go is with a prescription adapter. This is a piece that snaps inside the glasses and carries the prescription. This allows you to change out the front lenses for different lighting conditions while only purchasing one pair of prescription lenses where the bulk of the cost is. The most economical option is the Bolle Vigillante or Parole which starts at $143.50 with prescription and one set of lenses. Additional lenses start at $20 or they have a 4 lens pack that starts at $177.50 complete with prescription. Bolle also has the Swiftkick style which is a little more expensive. Another example of these systems would the Hilco Alpina RXable sports collection. Rudy Project also uses an insert as well on most styles but cost wise, Rudy Project is more expensive all around. With insert and one lens, the Rudy Project start at $280 complete with Rx.

If you don't want to do the insert, then unfortunately, you run into special technology so the cost will jump up quite a bit. Rudy Project and Switch are currently the only ones that we deal with that have the technology to make the whole lens in prescription and interchangeable. These will start at $295 for the Switch with one lens in prescription and $355 for one lens with prescription on Rudy Project. However, with these, you have to buy a prescription lens in every color and each additional lens color will start at $220 for Switch and $180 for Rudy Project.

Smith does make sort of a "hybrid" where it is the full lens in prescription but they have a carrier that surrounds the lens so it is not truly rimless like the Rudy Project or Switch, but is not a true insert like the Bolle as there is not two separate parts. These start at $280 for frame and one pair of prescription lenses. However, like the Rudy Project and Switch, every additional lens color has to also be made in prescription so each additional lens color will start at $155.

You can view all of these styles on our website at and use the drop down menus on the left to find the specific brands.

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